Pune Collector Suhas Diwase has labeled the harassment charges made by Puja Khedkar, a trainee Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer, as “nonsensical.” The controversy erupted after Khedkar’s provisional candidature for the Civil Services Examination (CSE-2022) was cancelled by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) earlier this week. Diwase asserts that Khedkar’s allegations of harassment emerged only as a response to her transfer from Pune to Washim and are merely an “afterthought.”
Context of the Harassment Allegations
According to reports, Pune Collector Suhas Diwase met with Puja Khedkar three times between June 3 and June 14 at the district Collector’s office. These meetings were conducted in the presence of other officers and legal representatives, raising questions about the validity of the harassment claims. Diwase argues that the allegations surfaced only after Khedkar was reassigned, suggesting a strategic attempt to divert attention from her own professional challenges.
UPSC Cancels Puja Khedkar’s Provisional Candidature
The UPSC’s decision to cancel Khedkar’s provisional candidature comes amid serious accusations of cheating and forgery. The Commission has stated that Khedkar acted in violation of the CSE-2022 rules, leading to her disqualification not only from the current examination cycle but also from all future UPSC selections. This drastic step highlights the severity of the alleged misconduct.
Legal and Career Repercussions
Puja Khedkar’s legal troubles are compounded by ongoing court proceedings. A Delhi court is expected to rule on her anticipatory bail application soon, which will determine whether she will face further legal consequences related to the charges of cheating and forgery. The cancellation of her provisional candidature and the permanent ban from UPSC examinations mark a significant setback in her career.
The Implications for IAS Trainees and the Civil Services Examination
This case underscores the stringent standards and scrutiny applied to IAS candidates. The cancellation of Khedkar’s candidature serves as a stark reminder of the rigorous adherence to examination rules and ethical conduct required of civil service aspirants. For those in the IAS training pipeline, this incident highlights the importance of maintaining integrity and professionalism throughout their careers.